Tag: Autumn 2020

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Harnessing the Power of Communication, Collaboration and Innovation

The Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA), which has a tradition dating back more than a thousand years, celebrated its 158th Anniversary this year with a heavy heart as the entire world lives under the shadow of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The pandemic created a “new normal” forcing Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and governments alike to…

INTOSAI Journal President Bids Farewell, Expresses Appreciation for Partnership in Strengthening Global Accountability

It has been with great pleasure that I have served as the President of the International Journal of Government Auditing (Journal) for nearly six years, and I positively reflect on the many accomplishments we have achieved in advancing the Journal and audit organizations around the world. As the official voice of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions…

State Audit Office of Thailand Identifies Strategic Stakeholder Engagement Approach

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)—as independent, objective entities—play a major role in improving public financial management transparency and accountability.
SAIs also greatly contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by auditing national preparedness for SDG implementation and undertaking performance audits to track…

Nancy Gathungu Sworn in as Auditor General of SAI Kenya

Ms. Nancy Gathungu was sworn in as the Auditor General of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Kenya on July 17, 2020. She succeeds Mr. Edward Ouko and will serve a non-renewable 8-year term. Prior to her appointment as Auditor General, Ms. Gathungu served as SAI Kenya’s Director of Quality Assurance and as Chief Internal Auditor at…

Accounts Chamber of Tajikistan Implements Improvements As Part Of 2019-2023 Development Strategy

It has been eight years since the establishment of the Accounts Chamber of the Republic of Tajikistan. In this short period, the Accounts Chamber has achieved many successes as the nation’s Supreme Audit Institution. As part of its Development Strategy 2019-2023…

Algerian Court of Accounts Presents Report, Provides Risk Assessment on Topics of National Concern

Mr. Abdelkader Benmarouf, President of the Algerian Court of Accounts (COA), presented the COA Evaluation Report on the 2017 Financial Regulation Preliminary Draft Law to the National People’s Assembly Finance and Budget Committee on June 11, 2020. The report…

SAI Iran Welcomes New Senior President, Public Prosecutor, Director General of Public Relations and International Affairs

The Supreme Audit Court of the Islamic Republic of Iran welcomes new members to the institution for the positions of Senior President, Public Prosecutor, and Director General of Public Relations and International Affairs…

State Audit Bureau of Kuwait Participates in Virtual INTOSAI WG SDG KSDI Meeting

Given the current circumstances of the COVID–19 Pandemic, Kuwait was in complete lockdown from the March 12-June 30, 2020. The State Audit Bureau of Kuwait quickly adapted and has participated in numerous virtual events since the pandemic was first declared, including the…

SAO Latvia Implements New Training and Certification System for Public Auditors

The State Audit Office (SAO) of Latvia has consistently promoted professional employee growth as an integral part of its organizational development strategy and began developing a nationally recognized training and certification system for public sector auditors in 2016. The SAO continues investing in staff abilities and skills as a key component in maximizing capacity and upholding…

National Audit Office of Lithuania to Host SIGNALS 2020 in November

The National Audit Office of Lithuania (NAOL) will host the 4th National Conference on Sustainable Development (SIGNALS), which will be held in-person and online on November 25, 2020. Distinguished government, academia, and civil society leaders as well as prominent officials from…

International Observatory on Government and SAI Pandemic-Related Initiatives Officially Launched

The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru officially launched the “International Observatory of Government and Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Initiatives in Relation to COVID-19” website in August 2020. The observatory, designed to…

Incorporating Stakeholders to Enhance Decision-Making

ublic participation is generally defined as activities by which people’s concerns, needs, interests and values are incorporated into decisions and actions on public matters and issues. Incorporating direct forms of public participation in oversight work can enhance citizen engagement and inform Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) decision-making, as the Comptroller General of the Republic of Costa Rica (CGR) discovered when considering the transfer of $4 billion…

Investing in Social Responsibility to Build Social Capital

For SAIs, as representatives of citizens in evaluating and monitoring government expenditures, social responsibility is demonstrated through audit work quality and performance in a manner that satisfies public opinion and contributes to government accountability and transparency (the main components of good governance). In this way, SAIs strengthen public confidence, which helps promote social capital…

Producing Audit Reports for Effective Public Communication

Performance audits are often long and complex, and the public a diverse audience who want to know if administrators are making good use of public resources in a broad range of critical areas. These factors make producing readable reports a challenging task. However, by keeping the final product in mind and following guidelines, SAIs can…

PSC Meeting Highlights Efforts for Continued Improvement

The PSC met virtually on October 6, 2020, to discuss past accomplishments and future initiatives with an agenda that featured such topics as strategic objectives and crosscutting priorities, international standards, the network of standards liaison officers, Technical Support Function and Strategic Development Plan (SDP) progress. In his opening remarks, Bruno Dantas…

KSC Steering Committee Resolves to Translate Commitments Into Actions

The Steering Committee of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services Committee (KSC) met on September 21, 2020. The event, which included…

SCEI Expert Group Hosts Webinar on Remote Auditing Challenges, Solutions

The INTOSAI Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues (SCEI) Expert Group on the Strategic Role of SAIs in Addressing Challenges Posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic hosted a webinar on “Remote Auditing: Technological Challenges and Solutions,” July 24, 2020. More than 150 delegates representing an estimated 50 SAIs…

SAI Poland Hands Over EUROSAI ITWG Chairmanship to SAI Estonia

Marian Banaś, President of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland, handed over chairmanship of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) Information Technology (IT) Working Group to Janar Holm, Auditor General of the National Audit Office of Estonia, in June. The EUROSAI IT Working Group…

Audit Innovation in Times of Crisis

“Auditors build trust, help shore up government resilience and are indispensable in the fabric of good governance.” Jeffrey Schlagenhauf, Deputy Secretary-General for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), opened the OECD Auditors Alliance virtual meeting on September 23, 2020, welcoming worldwide attendees in contributing to…

Artificial Intelligence: Preparing for the Future of Audit

The technological revolution has transformed and disrupted our lives in an incredible manner, and with ever-increasing volumes of data and related oversight processes, public audit dynamics also require substantial change. Endorsed at the XXIII International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Congress, the Moscow Declaration encourages Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to…

SAI Effectiveness, Resilience During Crises

The COVID-19 Pandemic has, more than ever, tested the resilience of both Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and governments and has had multi-dimensional impacts on society. This situation has created a need for SAIs to…

INTOSAI CBC ACCC Publications Highlight Parliamentary Support for ISSAI Implementation

Implementing the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) is a major undertaking—a lengthy process requiring clear managerial direction as well as considerable training and development. For Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) operating in complex and challenging contexts…

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