SAI Iran Welcomes New Senior President, Public Prosecutor, Director General of Public Relations and International Affairs

Supreme Audit Court Welcomes New Senior President
The Iranian Parliament (Islamic Consultative Assembly) elected Dr. Mehrdad Bazrpash to serve as Senior President of the Supreme Audit Court (SAC) of the Islamic Republic of Iran in July 2020.
Dr. Bazrpash, who earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, also holds a master’s in executive management and Ph.D. in technology management from Allameh Tabatabaee University.
He has served in several Iranian executive and supervisory capacities prior to his appointment as SAC Senior President, including Vice President and Head of Iran’s National Youth Organization, member of Iranian Parliament’s Presidium, Advisor to the Iranian President on Social Affairs, and Advisor to the Mayor of Tehran.
Dr. Bazrpash continues to share knowledge and experience in academia as a faculty member of the Iran Broadcasting University.
New Public Prosecutor Elected to Serve Supreme Audit Court
Mr. Ali Kamyar was elected by the Iranian Parliament as the new SAC Public Prosecutor in July 2020.
Prior to his election as SAC Public Prosecutor, he held positions as Chairman of the Iranian Parliament Audit Court Committee, Member of the Iranian Parliament as well as Member and Chairman of the SAC Judiciary Board.
Supreme Audit Court Senior President Appoints Director General of Public Relations and International Affairs
Dr. Seyed Jamal Hashemi Dehkordi was appointed Director General of the SAC’s Department of Public Relations and International Affairs by the SAC Senior President.
Dr. Hashemi replaces Mr. Ali Shiri, who retired in October 2019.