State Audit Office of Vietnam Hosts ASOSAI Assembly in September

The State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) identified international cooperation as a core element contributing to strategic development as a key national finance and asset oversight agency. Accordingly, SAV places high priority on strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation to improve both institutional capacity and SAV’s status as a regional and global leader.
In this spirit, the SAV actively participates in various International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) activities. SAV, an ASOSAI governing board member from 2009-2012, is also a co-founder of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation Supreme Audit Institutions (ASEANSAI) and chairman of the ASEANSAI Strategic Plan Committee.
The SAV, in an effort to continue its international cooperation, will host the 14th ASOSAI Assembly in Hanoi this year. The assembly will set the stage for delegates to learn more about the SAV, the nation’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), as well as the nation itself. Vietnam, a dynamic and friendly destination, provides the perfect backdrop for global SAIs to learn about the SAV and ASOSAI while exploring the country, its people, culture and achievements.
The 14th ASOSAI Assembly will be held September 19-22, 2018, in Hanoi—Vietnam’s capital. The secretariat, committee, working group and governing board meetings will occur before and after the official events and tentatively plan to:
• Adopt the Annual Action Plan to implement the ASOSAI Strategic Plan 2016-2021; Capacity Development Plan 2018-2021;
• Vote to select personnel for ASOSAI’s Board of Directors, Chairman, Secretary General, and Audit Committee for 2018-2021;
• Organize the 7th Symposium on “Environmental Auditing for Sustainable Development”; and
• Approve the Hanoi Declaration.
The 14th ASOSAI Assembly also commemorates the introduction and development of an important ASOSAI legal document—the 40-year ASOSAI Charter. At the Assembly, member SAIs will get the opportunity to reflect on ASOSAI’s achievements after 40 years of service.
“Environmental Auditing for Sustainable Development”—the assembly’s main theme—demonstrates the commitments, efforts and contributions of the ASOSAI community to the global pursuit of sustainable development and environmental protection. The Hanoi Declaration, a key assembly outcome, is expected to contribute to the regional and international audit communities by introducing important and useful policies, solutions and efficient tools to solve environmental problems.
The SAV designed the 14th ASOSAI Assembly logo to represent the environment and illustrate the event’s primary theme, and the SAV officially launched the event’s website at to provide information on the assembly, the SAV and the host nation of Vietnam.