SAI Kazakhstan Hosts ASOSAI Seminar on IT Audits, Approaches, Methods

Kazakhstan’s Accounts Committee for Control over Execution of the Republican Budget, the nation’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), organized a seminar for the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, earlier this year.
The seminar, coordinated with support from Japan’s Board of Audit, ASOSAI’s Capacity Development Administrator, focused on Information Technology (IT) audits, approaches and methods.
Twenty-nine representatives from 27 ASOSAI member states shared experiences with IT audits, highlighting typical problems encountered, including information security, access to auditee data, systems support and developing a unified platform.
Seminar trainers, from the SAIs of Indonesia and Turkey, Pingky Dezar Zulkarnain and Omer Karamollaoglu, facilitated the dialogue in finding ways to address the challenges and strengthen SAI capacity.
Natalya Godunova, Chairwoman, SAI Kazakhstan, spoke to participants and emphasized that, in the digital age, IT audits and directly applying technology to audits is more relevant than ever.
“It is necessary to assess the efficiency of information systems and the funds invested in their development,” stressed Godunova.
She added that the role of public audit in state programs that are introducing and developing IT is growing.
Godunova noted, “IT audit is of particular importance to ensure information security, as well as optimize the cost and effectiveness of state organization information system implementation and maintenance.”
The seminar provided a forum for fruitful SAI discussions on IT-focused audit work, and participants recognized the continued need to hold similar international events in the future.