PSC Initiatives Enhance Communication, Technical Support, and Collaboration

The INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) has a number of initiatives underway to enhance communication, technical support, and collaboration among Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). The following are updates on three of the PSC’s efforts.

ISLO Network Meets Online
On July 19, 2021, the PSC organized the first online meeting of the INTOSAI Standards Liaison Officers (ISLO) network, which aims to enhance communication and dialogue around the standard-setting process. The focus of the meeting was on encouraging SAIs to participate in PSC’s recent survey on the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP). Ms. Pranchi Pandeu, project manager of the working group for GUID 5320 (guidance on performance audit on privatization), also presented the exposure draft of the document.
ISLO responds to requests related to standards from the PSC and other INTOSAI working bodies. SAIs or organizations that wish to join this network should send the name, email address, and job title of the person they are nominating to serve as a liaison officer to

Technical Support Function is Up and Running
The INTOSAI Technical Support Function (TSF), which has been operational since March 2020, provides high-quality technical support services for INTOSAI standard-setting activities. Since its inception, the TSF has helped make the standard-setting process more efficient and effective, and enabled better planning and use of resources.
The TSF is currently composed of three members: George Haule and Amnon Mwasakatili, both from SAI Tanzania; and most recently Adrian Gogolan from SAI Romania, who joined in May 2021 following the retirement of Matti Mattila, from SAI Finland.
The TSF arose from one of the strategic objectives for Goal 1 (Professional Standards) in the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2022 and has three main responsibilities:
- Help implement the Strategic Plan and related projects;
- Conduct research and technical analysis on various issues related to updating or further developing principles, standards, or guidance within the IFPP; and
- Help disseminate information to members of INTOSAI.
PSC Improves Procedures for Collaboration
INTOSAI is increasingly tackling complex standard-setting projects, many of which involve multiple professional and technical disciplines and require expertise from one or more of INTOSAI´s specialized working bodies. To ensure the quality of such projects, it is essential that the PSC, its subcommittees, and other working groups cooperate effectively to plan, implement, and evaluate them.
To that end, PSC and its subcommittees have agreed on a document that aims to:
- Identify the main types of projects and the cooperation needed to implement them; and
- Clarify the responsibilities and processes involved in this cooperation.
This dynamic document is intended to be continually updated as it is put into practice and represents an important step toward strengthening collaboration. It can be accessed here.