BAI of Korea Hosts Triennial Seminar in Seoul

The Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) of Korea hosted a triennial seminar themed on “How to Ensure Efficient Auditing and Effectiveness of Audit Results.” The seminar, held in Seoul, Korea, mid-October last year, saw 50 participants from 31 SAIs in the Asian Region.
Mr. Sohn Chang-dong, President of the Audit and Inspection Training Institute (AITI) of BAI; Mr. Jan Roar Beckstroem, Deputy Director General of Norway’s Office of the Auditor General; Dr. Moon Ho-seung, Chief Audit Executive at Seoul National University of Korea; and Mr. Makoto Ukai, Senior Advisor to the Board of Audit of Japan provided opening lectures to seminar attendees.
During the event, participants were divided into three groups, where they shared individual Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) policies and practices; discussed avenues to tackle common challenges; and promoted good practices relating to the seminar’s sub-themes:
• Improvement of the Audit System
• Improvement of Professionalism in Audit
• Strengthening of Follow-up Management
Upon the event’s conclusion, the BAI produced a collection of meeting materials, including lectures, country reports and final participant recommendations to enhance knowledge sharing among all attendees.
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