New Auditor General of Iceland Assumes Office

Mr. Skuli Eggert Thordarson formally assumed office as the Auditor General of Iceland May 1st, 2018. Mr. Thordarson, was unanimously elected by Althingi, Iceland’s Parliament, will serve a six-year term.  He succeeds Mr. Sveinn Arason who retired April 30, 2018, after ten years of service.

Prior to assuming his position as Auditor General, Mr. Thordarson gained extensive experience from the Icelandic tax authorities, where he worked for 37 years, including serving as the Director General of Tax Administration. Additional roles include the Tax Administration’s Deputy Director and Director of Tax Investigations.

Mr. Thordarson holds a law degree (candidate juris) from the University of Iceland and looks forward to participating in important cooperation among Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), bilaterally and multilaterally, within the framework of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI), as well as with fellow Nordic SAIs.

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