Malta’s NAO Commemorates Past, Prepares for Future

Throughout 2017, Malta’s National Audit Office (NAO) commemorated the 20th anniversary of the constitutional amendments, which effectively guaranteed the NAO’s complete independence in discharging its audit mandate.
These legislative amendments transformed the NAO into an autonomous institution—a primary prerequisite for credibility and a concept in keeping with the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions’ Lima Declaration.
The year-long commemoration included a visit from Dr. Anglu Farrugia, Speaker of the House of Representatives, who voiced that the fundamental values of transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of democracy.
The Head of State, President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, capped off the celebrations in December in an address to NAO Malta staff.
“Your incessant work, invariably based on the fundamental values of objectivity and integrity, and in the best interest of the people of Malta and Gozo, is greatly appreciated,” she said.
The commitment and professionalism shown by NAO management and staff, past and present, are primary reasons behind the NAO’s sustained high level of credibility.
Acknowledging that human resources constitute the NAO’s most important and valuable asset, anniversary events included a special focus on the continued professional development of NAO staff.
NAO Deputy Auditor General, Mr. Noel Camilleri, alongside the NAO’s Finance and Human Resources Manager, Mr. Ian Rizzo, developed an extensive training program.
The program, implemented in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA)—a world leader in the provision of public finance programs—aims to position the NAO to carry out its constitutional mandate by ensuring all public resources are managed in the best way possible and in a manner that achieves value for money while complying with prevailing rules and regulations.
The NAO is currently finalizing a new strategic plan following an all-encompassing consultation exercise completed in 2017. The five-year plan will provide clear focus and direction as the NAO continues to make critical contributions to good governance in the future.
In the photo: Mr. Charles Deguara, Auditor General, Malta.