INTOSAI WGITA Meets in Korea

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Working Group on Information Technology Audit (WGITA) met in Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 22-23, 2017.
Korea’s Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) hosted this 26th WGITA meeting that included 54 representatives from 27 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). Heads of SAIs from Bhutan, Fiji, Hungary and India attended, as well as the Vice Chairman from the SAI of Indonesia.
Mr. Hwang Chan-hyun, BAI’s Chairman (pictured left), welcomed participants.
“The development of IT will serve as a new opportunity for all SAIs to take a leap forward. For SAIs to proactively respond to such changes, we must enhance IT audit techniques and guidelines,” he remarked.
He also announced various methods the BAI has been implementing, which have led to significant achievements in auditing, such as the “E-audit Management System,” a system designed to comprehensively oversee and process all data. Additionally, the BAI recently established a department dedicated to IT audit aimed at ensuring professionalism.
The meeting served as an opportunity to contribute to developing the IT audit field and facilitated the exchange of audit knowledge, experience and individual SAI perspectives on several topics, such as cyber security, big data analysis and emerging audit techniques. The group also utilized the two-day event to discuss the 2017-2019 work plan to develop IT audit capacities and guidelines over the next three years.
For additional information, email SAI Korea at or visit the BAI website