You’re Invited to Lima Declaration Commemoration

In 1977, the city of Lima, Peru, welcomed 95 delegations from Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) all over the world to attend INCOSAI IX. Representatives gathered to discuss relevant topics related to international public auditing, and the result is what we, 40 years later, call the Magna Carta of government auditing: The Lima Declaration.

The Lima Declaration highlights, among other aspects, independence in government auditing as the fundamental premise for effective compliance of SAI mandates.

Likewise, this document addresses topics that are now considered necessary auditing precepts to achieve independent, objective audit results, such as the relationship with government branches, international exchange of experiences and SAI authority in terms of control.

The Lima Declaration’s validity and transcendence still holds true and was recognized by the United Nations in General Assembly Resolution A/66/209, which addresses SAI independence.

SAI Peru will host an event celebrating the Lima Declaration’s 40th anniversary December 5-6, 2017, and the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru extends an invitation to the entire International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) community to participate in the celebration.


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