WGAFADC Meets in Rome to Discuss Activities, Progress

The European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes (WGAFAD&C) met in Rome, Italy, in March 2017.

The Accounting Chamber of the Ukraine, with the assistance of the Court of Audit of the Italian Republic, chaired the meeting, which included representatives from 15 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), as well as invited experts from the SAIs of the Czech Republic and Indonesia.

Participants signed joint positions on cooperation within international audits on the most relevant group topics; approved the Working Group Activity Report for 2015-2017; and agreed on the draft Working Group’s Strategic Activity Plan for 2017-2020.

Established in June 2014 at the IX EUROSAI Congress, the WGAFAD&C is now composed of SAIs from 20 countries. The group’s mission is to coordinate and consolidate European SAI efforts to help governments develop effective and efficient instruments to prevent and eliminate consequences associated with disasters and catastrophes.

Working Group activities during 2015-2017 included:

  • Completion of two international audits;
  • Launch of three new international audits on important areas;
  • Annual follow-up audit on the implementation of recommendations associated with the International Coordinated Audit of the Chernobyl “Shelter” Fund; and
  • Development of seminars, including the Implementation of Guidelines on Audit of Disaster-Related Aid (ISSAIs 5500-5599) in SAI Activities; and work on Preparing Good Practice Recommendations on Audits in the Field of Prevention and Consequences Elimination of Floods.

Results indicate a successful beginning and the basis for developing strategic directions well into 2020. The Working Group has identified three strategic goals for 2020: professional cooperation; professional development; and contributing to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Executing the Strategic Activity Plan will contribute to implementing EUROSAI’s Strategic Plan 2017-2023; achieving INTOSAI strategic objectives defined in the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2022; and fulfilling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Working Group will continue to share knowledge by organizing and conducting training and advisory events, as well as international audits on the group’s most relevant areas. The group will also focus on promoting and supporting International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) implementation (particularly the 5500 series) to increase professional development and help build institutional capacity. Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goal fulfillment, the group will conduct measures to follow up on countries’ efforts aimed at implementing the 2030 Agenda.

For additional information, go online at http://www.ac-rada.gov.ua/control/eurosai/en or email rp17@ac-rada.gov.ua.

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