The Uzbekistan Chamber Accounts Launches a “State Audit” E-Platform

Author: Department of International Relations, Chamber of Accounts, Uzbekistan

As of January 1, 2022, the Uzbekistan Chamber of Accounts launched a special e-platform, named “State Audit”, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan. This platform will allow the Chamber of Accounts to track control activities of public funds through a centralized system. The e-platform serves to streamline inspections in public organizations, increase the effectiveness of audit control and improve the objectivity of control activities.
All Uzbekistan public financial control activities, including internal audit services, are required to be registered in the “State Audit” e-platform now. Carrying out control activities without pre-registration in the e-platform will not be authorized, and such activities are declared illegal. Public organizations will be able to provide oversight of financial activities, and will be able to use the e-platform to document written opinions about the accomplished financial control and assess the results of the control activities in a centralized manner.
In addition, the e-platform features the ability for the Executive Officer of the audited organization to track and verify the validity of the inspection and control activity through a QR code.
The newly launched “State Audit” e-platform protects the interest of public organizations, and promotes efficiency. The e-platform will reduce duplication in public organizations, and prevent the occurrence of repeated inspections and illegal interference in public financial inspection activities.