SAIs Myanmar, Norway Unite to Implement Workshop

The Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Myanmar and Norway joined efforts to implement a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) workshop earlier this year.
The workshop, designed to facilitate effective audits in the Oil and Gas sector, was hosted by SAI Myanmar and included experts from SAI Norway along with staff and officers from SAI Myanmar, Yangon Region’s Auditor-General Office, Ministry of Electricity and Energy, and Large Taxpayers Office.
Throughout the week-long event, experts from SAI Norway discussed essential issues that included regulatory provisions; allocation of revenue from petroleum operations; financial provisions and production disposition; supervision, control and audit of oil and gas revenue management (government perspective); and international best practices.
Separate group work centered on identifying stakeholders, matters requiring follow-up and review by government, and potential audit topics.
Roles and responsibilities of staff working within the oil and gas sector were also touched on as were audit areas of future focus and working relationships among the government agencies who participated in the workshop.