SAI Myanmar Employs SAI PMF

Myanmar’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) is participating in the SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) Facilitation Program for the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) region, which aims to assess the current level of performance. Myanmar’s three-person SAI PMF assessment team attended training in Abu Dhabi from March 18-22, 2019. This was the first event of the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI)-ASOSAI Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting (SPMR) Program/SAI PMF Facilitation Program. The five-day workshop provided Myanmar’s assessment team with essential knowledge to understand the framework and conduct its assessment. The team developed a draft Terms of Reference (ToR) in the workshop and brought it back for the SAI’s approval.
In addition, representatives from Myanmar’s SAI participated in a two-day SAI PMF training module conducted by the Office of the Auditor General of Norway (OAGN) in March 2018. The SAI representatives prepared a training summary, which was distributed to staff in state and regional offices to increase awareness on SAI PMF as an assessment tool.