SAI Brazil Engages Auditors in Fun, Exciting Way

The Federal Court of Accounts, Brazil’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), developed a quiz on International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) as a new way to engage its auditors while deepening knowledge on professional auditing standards.

Ms. Kellen Tenuta Coelho receives the award for top individual from Minster Raimundo Carreiro and Mr. Dagomar Lima

The quiz, which also included questions on the SAI itself, saw 475 auditors competing in the online qualifying round that took place in September. During this stage, participants had 75 minutes to answer multiple choice questions.

Respondents had three attempts (answering different questionnaires) and were free to consult the standards. The correct answers were provided at the end of the qualifying stage, and participants were allowed access to individual results.

The 112 competitors earning the highest scores were assembled to simultaneously compete in the final round, where they answered questions related to small audit cases. This stage of the contest was much more challenging, as the finalists only had 45 minutes with no outside help.

The competition was intense! In the end, 12 auditors and 12 audit departments each won a cash prize (made possible through sponsoring entities).

Minister Carreiro presents award to Ms. Ana Paula Silva da Silva, head of the winning department.

The event’s success generated considerable buzz with the possibility of having a rematch next year.

Special thanks goes out to the Auditing Methodology Support Unit for crafting the quiz questions that were based on ISSAIs 30, 100, 300, 400, 3000, 3100 and 4000.

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