Rwanda OAG Receives Best Performance Audit Report Award

At the 13th AFROSAI-E Governing Board meeting held in Abuja, Nigeria, May 2016, the Office of the Auditor General-Rwanda was awarded the 2015 Prize for the best Performance Audit Report in the AFROSAI-E region. AFROSAI-E is the sub-regional Organization for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in English speaking countries in Africa. This prize was launched in 2008 by AFROSAI-E in cooperation with the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) to promote high quality reports that are produced within a maximum period of one year (12 months). The winning report, titled “Utilization and maintenance of irrigation and mechanization equipment”, covered the agriculture sector.

The winning report was chosen out of 12 reports submitted by seven AFROSAI-E member countries. The Independent International jury was comprised of a chairperson from SAI Sweden and three members from the SAI Netherlands, SAI Norway and SAI United Kingdom.

The 12 reports were analyzed according to quality criteria in line with ISSAIs. The panelists highlighted that the report from SAI Rwanda had a good description of the problem area and the methods used to collect data and evidence, which included inspections and site visit photos. The panel also noted that the report presented a clear link between findings and conclusions, and the recommendations were sound. It was concluded that the report was, indeed, a good value for money audit, which concerns direct government spending and management and was, therefore, of clear importance for Parliament in its oversight role in Rwanda.


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