SAI Egypt Contributes to Global Anti-Corruption Initatives,

Contributing to Global Anti-Corruption Initiatives
The President of the Accountability State Authority (ASA) headed a delegation participating in December 2019 events hosted by the United Arab Emirates State Audit Institution. At the seminar on “Strengthening Collaboration between SAIs and Anti-Corruption Authorities,” he delivered a speech that highlighted training as an important component to help increase staff capacity in combating corruption.
The ASA President also contributed to dialogue at the 8th Conference of State Parties to the United Nations (UN) Convention Against Corruption (COSP8). The COSP8 session included reviewing convention execution; discussing international cooperation methods to better confront and deter corruption and recover assets; and preparing for the 2021 UN General Assembly.
Sharing Knowledge, Experiences in Regional Capacity
The ASA hosted and participated in several events throughout January and February, including:
- A workshop on “The Role of Regional Organizations in Evaluating and Following-up on SAIs’ Performance” that included delegates from 22 SAIs, as well as an ARABOSAI representative and expert from the African Organization of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E);
- The 79th Permanent Committee for the Financial Auditing Journal meeting hosted by the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI) in Tunisia;
- 15th ARABOSAI Capacity Building Committee meeting in Oman; and
- Inaugural meeting for the ARABOSAI Auditing Sustainable Development Goals Committee in Tunisia (the ASA was nominated to serve as Committee Vice President).
Providing Expertise to COMESA, AU BOEA
The ASA chairs the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Board of External Auditors for fiscal year 2018. The Board has finalized its charter elaboration, as well as all required audit instruments, which are currently in approval stages by relevant COMESA organs.
A permanent member of the African Union Board of External Auditors, the ASA is participating in the interim audit for African Union accounts for fiscal year 2019.