Kosovo NAO Celebrates INTOSAI and EUROSAI Membership, Pledges Active Participation

The National Audit Office of Kosovo (KNAO) dates back to 2003. Though a relatively new organization in terms of age, the KNAO is considered one of the most credible national institutions by both local and international partners and remains committed to implementing constitutional and legal mandates with integrity and professionalism.
Determined to perform audit work independently, the KNAO pays special attention to continuous development in line with international standards and good audit practices and has experienced considerable professional growth since its inception.
Located in the nation’s capital of Prishtina, the KNAO is comprised of 171 staff members who perform 130 audits annually. While financial and compliance audits represent the largest portion of audit work, the KNAO appreciates the great potential of conducting performance audits and seeks to contribute to the increasing trend.
2020 was a challenging year for all. Despite the difficulties arising from the global pandemic, the KNAO has continued implementing plans aimed at institutional growth. The KNAO recently launched a tailored audit management system that covers all audit processes. It is a far-reaching change in daily work and is expected to contribute to operational efficiency and effectiveness by improving audit data management and increasing audit product quality.
At the same time, the KNAO continues to review and update financial and compliance audit methodologies to better align with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions.
Last year also included valuable partnership milestones—the KNAO became a member of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI).
INTOSAI and EUROSAI provide platforms for Supreme Audit Institutions to exchange expertise and best practices that contribute to increased accountability and transparency and add value and benefits to the lives of citizens worldwide.
The KNAO considers INTOSAI and EUROSAI membership a professional commitment and opportunity. Pledging active participation, the KNAO is eager to share experiences with the global accountability community.
The KNAO looks forward to 2021 with hope, believing it will be regarded as a year of hard work in restoring normalcy and rebuilding national economies.