Supreme Audit Court of Iran Participates in Economic Forum, Hosts Successful International Performance Audit Training

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SAC Participates in Astana Economic Forum
The Supreme Audit Court (SAC) of Iran participated in the 12th Astana Economic Forum in Nur-Sultan in May 2019. Led by Dr. Adel Azar, SAC President, the SAC delegation included Saeed Beytafri, Vice President for Technical and Auditing Affairs of Economic and Infrastructural Sectors, and Morteza Asadi, Deputy Director General of Public Relations and International Affairs.
During a specialized panel session, Dr. Azar discussed public auditing as it relates to sustainable development and spoke on the need to localize key national performance indicators. He added that both the nation and the SAC have adopted preventive, authoritative and guiding monitoring approaches.
Dr. Azar and Natalya Godunova, Chairwoman of the Accounts Committee for Control on Execution of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s budget, took time at the forum to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation aimed at expanding public audit training and technical cooperation. Both Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) will form action plans, share experiences and knowledge and coordinate specialized workshops on Information Technology audits.
SAC Hosts Successful International Performance Auditing Training Course
The Supreme Audit Court (SAC) of Iran hosted an International Performance Audit Training Course that covered several important performance audit themes. Delivered by Sheraz Manzoor Haider, Director General of International Relations and Coordination for Pakistan’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), the week-long event also included practical case studies from Australia, Canada, Pakistan and the United Kingdom.
Dr. Azar, SAC President, noted the course’s importance and benefits to local, regional and global accountability organizations and met with Haider to discuss further cooperation and collaboration between the SAIs of Iran and Pakistan.