IntoSAINT Essential to Comprehensive Integrity Strategy

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Self-Assessment Integrity (IntoSAINT) project group, a Capacity Building Committee (CBC) workstream chaired by Mexico’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), held its annual meeting in Mexico City in July.
The meeting allowed IntoSAINT workstream members to discuss progress achieved thus far and strategies to move forward toward increased, successful regional and global INTOSAI Integrity Model implementation.
During the meeting, workstream members concluded there is a general perception that integrity issues have long been considered a distant topic with marginal impact on the daily work SAIs—a perception that has limited the potential scope of integrity issues on the INTOSAI agenda.
Integrity in public organizations points to several key elements—absence of fraud and corruption, non-disclosure of confidential information, and prevention of conflicts of interest and discrimination. Taking ownership of integrity, therefore, positively positions public organizations.
The IntoSAINT tool should be considered an essential part of a SAI’s comprehensive integrity program, and integrity mechanisms, such as IntoSAINT, can ease implementing SAI founding principles and prerequisites associated with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions.
For more information on IntoSAINT, a tool available to all INTOSAI members SAIs, visit the CBC IntoSAINT website or contact the project group at