INTOSAI-Region Coordination Platform Meets in Oslo

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)-Region Coordination Platform provides INTOSAI with a single point of contact for all INTOSAI organs and regional organizations. The platform, held annually, provides a forum to coordinate, consult, explore synergies and align INTOSAI efforts to support the successful implementation of the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2022 and better address the INTOSAI value chain (see figure “Value of INTOSAI”)—a concept requiring a great deal of integration among all of INTOSAI.

The Coordination Platform aims to identify, elevate and discuss crucial issues that impact the INTOSAI community. Key to this platform is clarifying the issues from all stakeholder perspectives, as this will provide INTOSAI bodies primarily responsible for each issue with a better sense of how to move forward.

The platform’s inaugural meeting in Oslo, Norway, June 25-27, highlighted several INTOSAI-wide topics, programs and initiatives participants collaboratively explored, including:

● INTOSAI’s Value Chain: The Need for Broader Coordination and Alignment;
● ISSAI Implementation: Challenges and Opportunities;
● New Strategic Development Plan for the INTOSAI Forum for Professional Pronouncements (IFPP);
● INTOSAI Information Systems, Information Gathering and Information Sharing;
● Professional Education for Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Auditors;
● Implementation of Quality Assurance of non-IFPP Public Goods;
● Enhancements to the INTOSAI Community Portal and INTOSAI Website Revision;
● Capacity and Funding of INTOSAI Regional Organizations;
● Capacity Strengthening Initiatives–Globally, Regionally and Inter-regionally;
● INTOSAI Risks and Emerging Issues; and
● Regional Representation at the Global Level.

More than 60 delegates and INTOSAI organ executives were on hand to take part in this endeavor—one that is not designed as a decision making forum, but rather as an environment that fosters finding solutions and recommending improvements.

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