Algerian Court of Accounts Participates in International Events and Learning Sessions

The Algerian Court of Accounts (COA) participated in the following international events from June to September 2021:

  • The 25th UN/INTOSAI Symposium from June 28-30.
  • A June 29 meeting with the Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) to plan an 18-month cooperation program aimed at building COA’s capacity. The program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, will train COA staff on international best practices in performance and information systems auditing and on IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards), and will strengthen COA’s institutional communication.
  • A meeting for Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) leaders and stakeholders on July 1 on “Cooperative Audit of Strong and Resilient National Public Health Systems – Target 3.d of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” organized by the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the Arab Organization of SAIs (ARABOSAI).
  • The 62nd ARABOSAI Executive Board meeting, July 5-6.
  • The 56th African Organization of SAIs (AFROSAI) Steering Committee Meeting on July 7, and the AFROSAI General Assembly on July 8-9, during which AFROSAI Strategic Plan 2022-2026 and technical committee reports were approved.

COA participated in the following learning sessions:

  • Two webinars in June organized by IDI in collaboration with the INTOSAI Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services Committee and ARABOSAI: “An Overview of the SDG Ecological System: Actors, State of Play and Interrelated Processes for Achieving the 3.d Target of the SDGs” and “The Design Matrix.”
  • A workshop held by ARABOSAI in June on “Revenue Assessment and Collection in the Extractive Industries Sector.”
  • Trainings organized by IDI and ARABOSAI in June and July on “Transparency, Accountability and Inclusiveness (TAI) Audits – Global Cooperative Compliance Audit on the Use of Emergency Funds for COVID-19.”
  • An informational meeting in June on “The Regulation of the Cross-border Cooperation Program,” organized as part of Algeria’s accession to the cross-border cooperation program financed by the European Neighborhood Instrument.
  • A course in July on “The Certification of Government Accounts,” led by experts from the French Court of Accounts, and organized as part of a cooperation program with SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management).
  • The annual meeting in July of the INTOSAI Working Group on Evaluation of Public Policies and Programs, during which COA presented a paper on “The Preliminary Findings and Recommendations of the Evaluation of the National Perinatal Program.”
  • A meeting on “The Evaluation of Public Policies” in July, organized by SAI Madagascar and the French Court of Accounts within the framework of a program that also included IDI. COA presented two papers: “The Basic Elements of the COA Guide for the Evaluation of Public Policies” and “The Experience of the COA in the Evaluation of the National Perinatal Program.”
  • IDI’s conference in September on “Stakeholder Interaction,” organized as part of the TAI audits initiative.
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