In the very heart of Europe—Prague, Czech Republic—representatives from all European Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) will unite to participate in the XI EUROSAI Congress from May 31-June 4, 2020.
The Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic accepted the opportunity (and challenge) to host the XI EUROSAI Congress recognizing the importance of such an event, particularly in this ever-changing world where Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) must remain agile—capable of quickly responding to emerging trends and increased stakeholder expectations.
While the XI EUROSAI Congress will take place at locations steeped in Czech Republic history, the program will present a journey to the future of audit and will illustrate how far we, as SAIs, can go together through international cooperation.
The XI EUROSAI Congress vision (3C-3E-3I) will provide the key unlocking much-needed information for auditors to respond to change and provide continuous feedback to policymakers and the public. With the help of modern technology, communication, cooperation, comparison (3C), in combination with information exchange, innovation and interactivity (3I), can provide more targeted answers as to if economy, efficiency and effectiveness (3E) have been met.
The XI EUROSAI Congress will feature workshops that include an emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); audit output visualization; benchmarking benefits and an in-depth look into the Benchmarking Information Exchange Project (BIEP); Information Technologies (IT) to facilitate translation; European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS); combating corruption; taxation; results from the International Hackathon (scheduled for March 3-5, 2020, in Prague); e-Gov project audits; implementing audit recommendations; developing fast, responsive, facts-only reports that provide valuable feedback to policymakers; successfully integrating the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Framework for Professional Pronouncements into audit work; and identifying emerging issues SAIs should address.
The XI EUROSAI Congress will cover many important and inspiring topics that will affect the future of audit with one goal in mind—help SAIs cope with the challenges these topics present today.
To learn more about the XI EUROSAI Congress, visit