Tag: audit effectiveness

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Decision Graphics: Simple Tools to Improve Audit Decision-making

Making informed planning decisions early in the audit process is key to completing audits in a timely manner. Many teams use historical information to determine how long an audit will take. But every audit and every audit organization is different, so it is impossible to…

A Model to Examine Audit Effectiveness: Nationally, Globally

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) represent important mechanisms in safeguarding public resources, and the broad authorities of the Comptroller of Israel are intended to, among other things, strengthen good governance. However, evaluating public audit effectiveness and its ability to enhance good governance is complex and often difficult, if not impossible. This article explores modeling to examine audit effectiveness, including…

Determinants Affecting Audit Quality

The State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) issues audit reports at every audit’s conclusion, yet judging and comparing quality among various audits is a difficult task. Some research cites audit quality as the ability for auditors to detect and report material misstatements during the audit process. This ability is highly dependent on…

Quantitative and Qualitative Methods: The Optimal Combination for Effective Audits

The creation of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Working Group on Big Data speaks to the increased attention to enhanced data analytics. While much consideration has focused on quantitative techniques, this article highlights qualitative analysis, its relevance and ability to…

Changes Need a Person Behind Them

State resources are limited, so desiring more than necessities may become threatening. By our nature, we are more likely to see only the positive sides to our expectations. Rarely do we think our fulfilled dreams come with a price paid by someone else…

BAI of Korea Hosts Triennial Seminar in Seoul

The Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) of Korea hosted a triennial seminar themed on “How to Ensure Efficient Auditing and Effectiveness of Audit Results.” The seminar, held in Seoul, Korea, mid-October last year, saw 50 participants from 31 SAIs in the Asian Region. During the event, participants were divided into three groups, where they shared individual Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) policies and practices…