Structured Capacity Building Drives Development

Since its inception in 2005, AFROSAI-E has followed a structured capacity building approach to support our 26 member SAIs to strengthen their performance. Our Institutional Capacity Building Framework (ICBF) is the foundation of this approach. The ICBF is a self-assessment tool to gauge progress in terms of five institutional development focus areas, namely Independence and Legal Framework; Organization Management; Human Resources, Audit Standards and Methodology; and Communication and Stakeholder Management, against five developmental levels.
The outcomes of the annual ICBF self-assessment survey, verified by means of structured tri-annual quality assurance reviews, assist member SAIs in setting development priorities and determining short and long term plans. It also provides AFROSAI-E with necessary information to identify development support programs and products most useful in the region. The ICBF self-assessment surveys provide SAIs with the opportunity to take ownership of development and create a shared understanding of fundamental SAI management principles, resulting in a shared regional vision to achieve level three of the ICBF. It is a cost effective approach that enables members to ascertain annual progress, especially since 2015, when the shift was made to administer the survey electronically. Survey results for 2015, in the “Transversal Activity Report,” were tabled at the 13th AFROSAI-E Governing Board meeting May 2016, in Abuja, Nigeria.
Strengthening our regional SAIs contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (specifically goal 16), as well as African Union Agenda 2063, which aspires to “An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law.” Its focus is on having capable institutions and transformative leadership in place at all levels where the organizations are at the service of its people.
AFROSAI-E views competent, professional and performance-driven public sector institutions to be essential to deliver effective, efficient and accountable services. There is an unavoidable demand by African leaders, and AFROSAI-E desires to holistically professionalize public sector accounting and auditing to facilitate broader sustainable public financial management. The importance of this initiative is highlighted by its inclusion in the AFROSAI-E Corporate Plan for the period 2015–2019 as a strategic imperative. An Interim Oversight Board (IOB) on the professionalization of public sector auditing and accounting has been established, and the members met August 15-16, 2016, in Nairobi, Kenya. It is envisaged that the outcomes of this initiative will have far-reaching, positive impacts in the AFROSAI-E region and, ultimately, for the entire African continent.
To access the 2015 Transversal Activity Report or learn more about the AFROSAI-E IOB, visit our website: or contact via email at
In the picture: IOB meeting participants (L to R): Mr. Wynand Wentzel (Secretariat), Ms. Keneilwe Senyarelo (Botswana), Mr. Ludovick Utouh (Chair), Mr. Stephenson Kamphasa (Malawi), Mr. Wessel Pretorius (Secretariat), Mr. Edward Ouko (Kenya), Mr. Kealeboga Molelowatladi (representing the AG of Botswana, Ms. Letebele), Prof. Mussa Assad (Tanzania) and Mr Eltahir Malik (Sudan).