SAI Peru Expands Concurrent Control
The Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Peru is expanding its concurrent control to all public procurement of goods, provision of services, and execution of public works over 10 million soles (approximately $2.45 million USD), in accordance with a new law passed by the Congress of the Republic. Concurrent control’s real-time, multidisciplinary oversight enables SAIs to identify and promptly communicate risks and adverse situations to public entities, so that they can quickly take corrective measures.
SAI Peru has already applied concurrent control to Reconstruction with Changes works (for infrastructure damaged by the El Niño Coastal Phenomenon in 2016 and 2017), mega-projects, and the COVID-19 immunization process, and found that this approach is highly effective.
A study carried out by SAI Peru has shown that concurrent control helps lower the costs of public works. In addition, for each sol invested in concurrent control in public works, the state saves six soles—a rate of return of 500 percent.

SAI Peru Launches Control Speedometer
As part of its transparency and accountability policy, SAI Peru has launched a landing page, Velocímetro del control (“Control Speedometer”), which allows citizens to track the progress of the SAI’s control services at the national, regional, and district levels. In addition, users can search for information on the types of oversight the SAI provides, the economic sectors in which the SAI intervenes, and other relevant data.

For example, members of the public can learn that as of December 7, 2021, SAI Peru had completed 20,956 control services (79 percent of those planned for the year), while another 5,705 were in progress. As a result of the SAI’s ex-post control, 4,291 officials and public servants have been identified as having possible criminal, civil, or administrative liability.
This landing page joins SAI Peru’s “Control Report Finder” page, where the complete reports issued by the SAI are published, along with the “COVID-19 Control and Transparency Monitor,” which shows statistical information on the use of public resources allocated to public entities as well as the SAI’s control strategy. All of this information is presented in a visually appealing and user-friendly format.
More information can be found on SAI Peru’s website and on the Control Speedometer landing page.