KSC Steering Committee Resolves to Translate Commitments Into Actions

The Steering Committee of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services Committee (KSC) met on September 21, 2020.
The event, which included 53 delegates representing Steering Committee members and observers, welcomed new members from the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the United Arab Emirates and Finland as Chairs of the Working Group on the Impact of Science and Technology and Working Group on Environmental Auditing respectively. Members also welcomed SAI Russia as Chair of the newly constituted Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals and Key Sustainable Development Indicators (formerly the Working Group on Key National Indicators).
The event’s agenda included discussions on the KSC reporting dashboard, which was approved to be presented to the 74th INTOSAI Governing Board; progress in developing INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2023-2028; and INTOSAI Community Portal updates.
The KSC Chair expressed an intention to perform a survey to gauge user satisfaction on KSC deliveries. The survey will also assist in formulating committee inputs to the INTOSAI Task Force on Strategic Planning internal scan. Members pledged to contribute to the KSC survey and actively participate in the scan to help inform the next strategic plan.
The meeting provided a valuable opportunity to discuss and seek member support for KSC crosscutting priorities, such as the INTOSAI Community Portal and research projects, as well as INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues (SCEI) activities.
Considering the immense potential of the INTOSAI Community Portal, members agreed to contribute articles, blogs and news on a quarterly basis and promote the portal within working groups and SAIs.
Members remain committed to the KSC crosscutting research projects on “SAI Independence,” led by SAI France, and “Audit Communication and Reporting of Audit Results,” which is open for leadership, and, to maximize limited resources, approved withdrawal of the research project on “Citizen Participation in Public Audit.”
Meeting participants noted the importance of IDI’s program on “Cooperative Audit of Strong and Resilient National Public Health Systems” and SCEI COVID-19 Initiative and agreed to widely disseminate information about, participate in, and contribute to, both programs.
During the meeting, the KSC expressed appreciation to the Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements in guiding the working groups in developing pronouncements, particularly in light of the pandemic and other priorities.
The meeting concluded with firm resolve from members to translate commitments into actions that deliver results. The next KSC Steering Committee meeting will be hosted by the Accountability State Authority of Egypt in 2021.