FIPP Gathers for Working Meeting in Guatemala

The Comptroller General of the Republic of Guatemala hosted the Forum for International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Professional Pronouncements (FIPP) working meeting November 27-30, 2017.
The productive meeting, the FIPP’s sixth, included several objectives, such as verifying project progress established in the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2017-2019; analyzing project proposals elaborated by working group leaders spearheading SDP projects (aimed to issue recommendations in accordance with new FIPP framework objectives); discussing new projects to be added to the SDP; considering provisions issued by the Professional Standards Committee Steering Committee (PSC-SC); and validating FIPP internal work procedures.
Numerous results were achieved, including obtaining new SDP planning process recommendations; considering the proposed FIPP structure for the “Teamwork” system (elaborated by the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Guatemala); reviewing procedures for the document approval process; and electing the FIPP vice president—a representative from SAI Denmark.
Subsequent actions included establishing communication with INTOSAI Goal Chairs to discuss aspects related to INTOSAI subcommittees and working groups; preparing documentation associated with the next SDP planning process; drafting agreements for International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs); planning for the reorganization of the FIPP “Teamwork” system; and preparing to update the FIPP website to further enhance communications.
“This has been a very important meeting in which we have done a review of the projects that we are currently processing. We also began work to develop contributions and support the development of the next Strategic Development Plan,”said Ms. Ganga Kapavarapu, Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General of SAI of India and FIPP President.