EUROSAI Congress Focuses on ISSAI Use, Enhancement

The Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA) hosted the 10th European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, May 22-25, 2017.
This year’s congressional theme—”Implementation of International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs): Challenges and Solutions for Improvement”—geared participants toward discovering ways ISSAIs can be enhanced to best serve public sector credibility and quality.
ISSAIs are extremely important for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), as they provide a framework and guide SAIs in audit work that requires a high-level of technical, organization and professional competencies. Adopting and implementing appropriate and effective ISSAIs are key to promoting strong, independent SAIs.
Approximately 170 participants from 51 countries (including 41 EUROSAI member-SAIs and 10 observers and guest countries) attended the congress that included two Governing Board (GB) meetings, where the SAIs of Poland and Latvia were approved as GB members; two plenary sessions where the SAI of the Czech Republic was elected the next EUROSAI Congress president; and several workshops and seminars on such topics as emerging issues and sustainable development.
The Netherlands Court of Accounts (NCA) handed over the reins to the Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA). The TCA, who will hold the EUROSAI presidency for the next three years, vows to implement significant initiatives, including the implementation of the new EUROSAI Strategic Plan. Mr. Seyit Ahmet Baş, TCA President, emphasized that the TCA also plans to create a EUROSAI that is more active and dynamic.
During the event, new strategic goals for EUROSAI were proposed, goals that Mr. Arno Visser, President of the NCA, believes are “building blocks for an agile, responsive knowledge broker.”
The Istanbul Declaration, consisting of outcomes and work session recommendations, marked the conclusion of the congress, and is available online at