Algerian Court of Accounts Publishes Annual Report, Contributes to High-Level Events

COA Publishes 2020 Annual Report
In December 2020, the Algerian Court of Accounts (COA) published its 2020 annual report, which includes the main findings, observations, and assessments resulting from the Supreme Audit Institution’s (SAI) investigative work. The report also includes COA’s recommendations and responses from officials, legal representatives, and supervisory authorities. The report is available in Arabic and French.
COA Presents Evaluation Report on Implementation of 2018 State Budget
On Dec. 14, 2020, COA President Abdelkader Benmarouf presented the SAI’s report on the implementation of the 2018 State Budget to Parliament’s Budget and Finance Committee. The report is available in Arabic and French.
COA Chairs Meetings of African Union Board of External Auditors
Mr. Abdelkader Benmarouf, COA President and Chairman of the African Union Board of External Auditors, chaired meetings of the Board by videoconference on Feb. 9, 23, and 24, 2021. During these meetings, the Board approved the fiscal year 2019 financial statements of the African Union Commission and six of its organs: the African Parliament, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the Office of the Anti-Corruption Commission, and the African Peer Review Mechanism.
At these meetings, the Board also approved the rules of procedure of the Board and its Audit Operations Committee, elected the Chairman of the Board, and adopted the Audit Operations Committee’s audit strategy.
COA Contributes to High-Level Events, Regional and International Webinars
A COA delegation chaired by Mr. Abdelkader Benmarouf, COA President, contributed in January 2021 to the webinar on “The Dialogue of SAI Leaders and Stakeholders,” held by the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI). This webinar presented the joint IDI and ARABOSAI initiative on auditing transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness in the use of emergency funds allocated to the COVID-19 crisis. From December 2020 to March 2021, COA also:
- Contributed to the first meeting of the task force for developing the ARABOSAI Strategic Plan 2023-2028.
- Joined a series of webinars on “Cooperative Audit of Resilient and Robust National Public Health Systems Linked to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3,” presented by IDI, the INTOSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee, and ARABOSAI. COA also participated in a virtual event held by ARABOSAI on “Auditing the SDGs.”
- Participated in a virtual workshop on “SAI-Donor Relations” held by IDI and ARABOSAI.
- Participated in the 20th meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA), which focused on circular economy.
- Contributed to a virtual conference on “Big Data and its Impact on Audit Report,” held by the National Audit Chamber of the Republic of Sudan and ARABOSAI.
- Participated in a workshop on biodiversity conservation and geoinformatics, held by SAI India in collaboration with the International Center for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) and WGEA.
- Contributed to the first practical workshop held by SAI Hungary and a group of experts from INTOSAI and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), during the 8th International Integrity Seminar.